As America celebrated its independence day yesterday July 4th, I was reminded of the independence day celebrations in India. Nostalgic memories of school/college where we had the flag hosting,school parade, songs of Sare Jahaan se accha, Vande Matharam ending with some cultural programmes.I guess today,after the flag hoisting , people spend the day watching television and there is a big time competition among the various channel providers for the interesting programmes they telecast
Since this is my first independence day in the US, hubby and I ventured out to watch the fireworks at the National Mall, DC. I was really taken aback seeing the crowd though hubby did warn me.It was like a thiruvizha.. I have never been to a thiruvizha and guess this is how a thiruvizha would like like in India with the exception of a well behaved crowd as in the US. I almost visited the Mylapore thiruvizha but didnt quite make it fearing the crowd and the narrow streets.
Coming back, I could see people and people, tall short, fat,slim ,from various origins and probably from virginia, DC and maryland ,all geared up to watch the fireworks. It was an amazing display. I only regret that my battery hadnt conked off and I could have captured the wonderful moments(I should remember to check the battery before I leave home). But I did manage to get a few of them though not the best.
There were "Hot Dog" and icecream stalls everywhere. I learn that July is National Hot Dog month and during the July 4th weekend alone 155 million will be consumed and 7 billion between Memorial Day and Labour Day.
The fireworks lasted 30 minutes. It was a spectacular display with the cheering crowd. I read that the evening crowds easily number in excess of 700,000 and believe it or not I was one among them!!!
Fireworks... picture from the internet
Pictures from my Camera (not come out well)
A section of the crowd waiting for the fireworks to begin
The Crowd making their way out...
A glimpse of the metro.I have never seen a crowd like this before.